
Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating & Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream Review

Hello beautiful,

I am back with my second blog and this time again it is a skin care product! I am super excited to review this product and have so much to say 🙂

As you can already guess from the title, I am reviewing Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating & Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream by Kama Ayurveda. I can say from my personal experience that products that contain natural ingredients show more results in longer term on skin than products which are full of chemicals. Chemical products may show great results in the beginning, but in the long run only natural products do good to your skin.

That was my philosophy! Coming back to the product, I was looking for a new night cream as I had completed the previous one. I came across Kama Ayurveda Rejuvenating & Brightening Ayurvedic Night Cream.


Price: Rs. 1950 for 50g.

You can purchase it from here.

This is what the product claims:


I was literally spell-bound after reading the review and description. It contains all products that are known for treating skin for ages. It contains saffron which is known for its brightening effects, indian madder also known as majeeth in India is a magical ingredient. It is known to treat inflammation, eczema, cracked heels, blemishes, dull skin, burns, acne, you name it! 😛 The product also contains aloe vera which is famous for its antiseptic properties and helps skin look young and healthy. And lots of other ayurvedic ingredients that work great for all skin types, be it oily, dry or sensitive.

It claims to rejuvenate and brighten the skin by removing all the tan that is caused due to sun.


It comes in a glass tub and along with it comes a wooden spatula! Woohoo! I love how they thought of giving a spatula which makes it so clean and easy to use the product. You don’t have to dip your fingers inside the tub. The tub is travel friendly. Overall, I find the packaging quite cute and handy. <3

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My Experience:

I was excited to apply it on my skin. The cream has normal to thick consistency and is light yellow in colour.

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It smells different than the usual night creams. It smells a mix of all the herbs like saffron and majeeth. I would say it smells of raw nature.


It requires a little massage to sink into the skin. Do circular strokes all over the face. After it sinks into the skin, your skin feels rich and all prepped for the night! 🙂

I could see softness in the skin the very next day. I did not see any brightening on the very next day. Although after few days, I felt my skin was regaining it lost glow and reduced dark circles. The tanning due to sun started reducing effectively.I would recommend this product to everyone. It is slightly on the expensive side but trust me, it will do wonders for your skin.

Let me know in comments below how was your experience with this night cream and your skin type.

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Stay beautiful <3

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