
7 ways to cleanse your body after the festive season

Hello my beautiful friends,

I hope you all had a great time during  the festive season. We all love festivals and wait for them eagerly to get nicely dressed, spend more time with family and friends or going on a holiday. But with the celebrations also comes the guilty pleasure of feasting on sweets, fried food, drinks and what not! And I wouldn’t say you should not, as festivals come only once in a year! 🙂

Once the celebrations come to a halt and the routine begins, the reality hits hard looking oneself at the mirror. Now you see bloated stomach, tired skin, puffiness in your eyes, due to long night outs with your friends and increase in your weight by few pounds!

Nevertheless, it is time to get your body back on track and start feeling healthier about yourself. Many would be tensed how are they going to lose the extra pounds they have gained during the last few weeks. But it is not difficult at all if you follow some little practices! Trust me, cleansing your system does not involve following strict diet plans or extensive exercising. It simply means doing little healthy changes in you lifestyle and boom! You have your metabolism on track again!

So I bring to you the 7 ways in which you can cleanse your system-

  1. Drink warm water with lemon and honey early morning

    Start you morning feeling fresh with lime water. Drinking lime water with honey on an empty stomach helps in making the body alkaline. It increasing your body metabolism helping you in faster digestion. Honey helps in fighting with any kind of infection and acidity.

  2. Detox water

    Detox water is infused water that helps flush toxins from your body and improve your health. It also helps reduce the waistline if done regularly. Preparing detox water a night before and drinking it first thing in the morning also helps in cleansing all the toxins from your body and makes skin clearer. There are many ways you can prepare your detox water by adding different fruits and leafy vegetables.

    I prepare mine by adding sliced cucumber, sliced lemon, few mint leaves, ginger and any one seasonal fruit like apple, orange, strawberries, etc in a jar with 2 glasses of water. I keep it like that the whole night and drink it early in the morning. Trust me, you will feel refreshed instantly.

  3. Exercise yoga 3-4 days a week

    After partying till late, your body as well as your mind needs mood booster. Yoga is the way to energise you body and calm your senses by practising stretching and meditation. Try incorporating 20-30 minutes in the morning to get the exercise gear back on track.

  4. Sugarcane juice to the rescue!

    Sugarcane is India’s traditional detox. Our parents make us eat sugarcane during tulsi puja which marks the end of diwali. It is our traditional way to say bye to all the toxins we gulped during the festival. It is rich in glycolic acid, which helps in regaining the lost glow on your face and also helps in restoring collagen.

  5. Green tea or Ginger tea

    Both the teas are fully rich in anti-oxidants which helps in power boosting the metabolism of your body by inducing faster digestion. It is generally recommended to have tea half an hour before and half an hour after taking your lunch to see great results in your body. Say bye-bye to toxins!

  6. Stay away from alcoholic drinks

    We tend to increase alcohol intake during the festivals with family and friends. Now it is time to give it a break and detoxify yourself. Alcohol gets easily absorbed by the blood and affects almost every part of our body. Also, it makes you feel bloated the next morning.

  7.  Increase intake of water

    Last but not the least, it is told and written millions times the importance of drinking water throughout the day. The more you drink water, the more your body pushes the toxins out and cleanses your system. I prefer working with my water beside me so that I do not forget drinking. You can also put sliced cucumber and lemon to your water to make it more effective.

I hope this checklist will help you cleanse you system, boost your metabolism and get ready for the next festivals coming your way! Please like if enjoyed reading and comment below if you have any questions or suggestions! We all can have a healthy discussion. See you soon in my next blog. :*

Stay cleanse! 🙂

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